From Anonymous, Age 12 - 05/06/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi...does anyone know good excersising tips? My main problem is I don't have stamina. In case you don't know, stamina is how much you can stand before getting tired. HELP! Please. I would like some HELP BEFORE THE END OF MY SCHOOL YEAR which is in A FEW WEEKS. But if I can't do it then, I'd like to get into better shape over the summer.
Reply from Lacy, Age 14 - 05/06/03  - IP#:
Try Windsor Pilates. You dont have to have stamina, it will help you tone and in the process you will lose weight too. The good thing is that, even if you only lose 15 pounds by doing this 3 times a week for 20 min each- it will look more like 30 pounds because you will look so much better. I live by it. I am getting really strong abs and butt