From Keily, Age 13 - 06/25/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Someone that is a size 11 or a size 9 please tell me your height and weight. Only if your height is between 5'5" and 5'7". Okay please reply soon! I really want to be in one of those sizes. can you also please tell me how long would it take me to get from a size 16(womens) to get to a size 11/9 (juniors) REPLY PLEASE!!! thanks- keily
Reply from breanna, Age 12 - 08/24/04  - IP#:
hi my name is breanna and it feels ok to being wearing size 9 or even a size 7 but to me i still feel like i wanna drop a little fat off my waste but dont flatter ur self becuase still being this size is not as good as it felt like being size 7. im not a huge girl though im just letting you know.