From N/A, Age 15 - 07/17/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Does anybody know any excersises to flatten your stomach or turn arm fat into muscle?
Reply from meg, Age 17 - 07/17/03  - IP#:
to flatten your stomach do crunches... NOT ALL THE WAY UP.... just go up untill your shoulder blades are off the floor... try to so sets.... if you can't do alot at one time... don't worry... work up to it..the day after the first time you work out... you should feel your stomach feel tighter... for your arms try lifting weights, 2-5 pounds... try doing sets... my mom got me some weights that are 5 pounds and they can be straped to my wrist or ankels.. they seem to help... hope this helped.. later
Reply from Priscilla, Age 14 - 07/16/03  - IP#:
Try lifting 2 to 5 pound weights for about 10 minutes.
or make a fist and punch your hands towards the back of you.
for your stomach try crunches.