From ashley, Age 15 - 07/28/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
this is my 25th(no joke!) time yo yo dieting...i really need some help on staying on track, i just have this addiction to food. Any tips?
Reply from Amy, Age 13 - 08/15/03  - IP#:
i am not trying to be harsh here but when are parents were growing up 1 out of 30 kids would be maybe a little overweight no it seems that almost every other kid is over weight,love handles, rolls, man boobs, double chins. That is pathetic. it is because they spend countless hours on the computer or watching tv and eating. kids used to ride bikes everywhere, play active games, and be active, run around outside. here's one tip: try not to base every activity you do on eating, cut the extra snaks, only try one snak a day and have it be fruit, eat healthy meals, take a jogg around the block everyday, start by doing sit-ups and doubling how much u do every week, try doing push ups, ride ur bike every day, and if that doesn't work ask ur parents to buy foods without hydrogynated oils, which result in getting fat, diabetes, ya know. puttin ona few pounds. Try only watching tv on the weekends limit the hours to a half hour each night, pick a favorie show and just watch that. Don't flop on the couch every day and eat and just channel surf for hours, or sleep in try to wake up early and get started, always eat a healthy breakfast. And just remember that even if u don't look like those celebrity bodies do, too bad, they starve themselves.