From c;liffor, Age 15 - 11/15/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Today: 175 lb - Ok this is in conection to annes letter. I think I am goin to go on a new diet that i made up just thinkin bout annes info. I am only going to eat fruits and veggies during the day like salads and then have a main course meal for dinner and drink all water during the day and milk or some juice with my main course meal. With this i will excercise bout how much do u think I can loose by xmas i am bout between 170-175 I think I gained a lot this week I had a very bad week. But any ways how much you think I could loose from that. Plus I have basketball pretty much everyday along with swimming on wednesday and it is lessons I am in level 6 and swim laps. How much could I loose by xmas if i am between 170-175 right now? thanx everyone for ur help.
Reply from ClIfFoRd, Age 15 - 11/15/03  - IP#:
I Am GoInG To StArT iT ToMoRrOw sO I CaN SeE HoW MuCh I LoOsE OkAy I wIlL TeLl YoU HoW It WoRkS NeXt SuNdAy!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok It WiLl Be ThE WaRrIoR DiEt I aM DoInG..... WOoOoOoOoHoOoOoOoO
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/15/03  - IP#:
well- the part where i read that it was better to eat less cal.s during the day and your main thing at night was called the "warrior" diet and it said the if you follow it then you lose 5 pounds a week. but maybe it's different for different people. yay- cliffy- i think i should try it also- post back after you've tried it for a week and tell me how it is!good luck! and remember that a day with being good on your diet is one less day of being big and one more day closer to being thin...