From Lola, Age 14 - 11/24/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey, Can anyone tell me how to do crunches, lunges and jumping jacks? Also how do you guys find so much time to do all this excersise. I try and do some, but never have enough time. Also it gets very dark very early now. AND I seem to get tired after about 10 minutes of hard jogging, without stopping. Please let me know. Beleive in you all. LOL Lola
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/25/03  - IP#:
get a tape so thaT YOU CAN EXERSIZE INSIDE- THAT'S WHAT I DO. AND IF YOU'RE STILL TIGHT WITH TIME WAKE UP EARLY TO DO IT. good luck- sorry- caps lock was on. get something like taebo or a good cardio work out and just have fun. it gives you more energy for the rest of the day too. or you could do 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night of it or however you fit it into your schedule- just do something! it'll help!
Reply from Marshall, Age 12 - 11/24/03  - IP#:
Okay for crunches you lie on your back with you knees bent and you go up and down that is 1 crunch. A lunge you have to stand with you feet hip width apart and take a big step forward and go down then come back up and repeat with the other leg. For a jumping jack you stand straight and jump your legs out to the side and lift you arms until you hands touch and jump back into place that is 1 jumping jack. Hope this helps. Talk to you later.