From Leigh - 11/27/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'7", Start: 162 lb, Today: 130 lb - Hey~ I was wondering what I should do to train for football season next year??? PPL say just cause i'm a girl I can't play football. Well I want to show them I can. I was 40 lbs. over the weight limit but i've lost 32 lbs. so there's really no problem there. I just want to know how to get stronger because coach says that i'll be his # 1 tackler! Any workout tips for your arms abs and legs would be great. BTW::: I'm 4'7" and 130 lbs. thanx~~~ Leigh ~~~
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 11/28/03  - IP#:
A gurl at my school played on the freshman team for football and she was the only one and now we are gonna have a gurls football team at the school
Reply from lila, Age 13 - 11/28/03  - IP#:
hey good luck! A girl at my school trioed out for football and made the A team! I no u can do it!
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 11/27/03  - IP#:
weights and running! god- you're gonna need that running for foot ball. good luck! i wanted to play football but my bone structure and height aren't right for it- lol- neither are my muscles. but good luck and you show them!!!