From aloise, Age 15 - 12/27/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
does weight watchers work?
Reply from lauren, Age 15 - 12/29/03  - IP#:
yes its really gud!! ur gurantted to lose 2lbs a week if u combine ur daily point intake wid alot of exerise! its really gud!! u will defintly get results
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 12/28/03  - IP#:
I lost 20 lbs on it and then i just started eating healthy and have lost 30 more lbs, but ww really helped me change my eating habits =)
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 12/28/03  - IP#:
I dd weight watchers about a year ago and loved it i had lost 12 pounds (which i have now gained back cuz we couldnt afoord to keep my membership) the support there is great and the plan lets u eat hat u want but in certain amounts and as long as it fits into your point range. good luck! ~*MaNdY*~