From Tanaya, Age 15 - 01/05/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Start: 220 lb, Today: 216 lb - since i started(its been about a week)ive lost 2.5 lbs. its good but im no where near where i need to be so im gonna try to be really strict on wut an how much i eat. at my highest weight i was 220lbs(wasnt that long ago)an now im 216. one lb more than i was the last time i went for my yearly physical at the drs but im tryin to lose a lot more an especially a lot of inches. im doin the firm for a workout. we have 6 different dvds so im gonna alternate the ones i like but im definatly doing the cardio an weight training because those are key in weight loss. good luck everybody!!
Reply from Ronica, Age 16 - 01/04/04  - IP#:
hey i weight 220 and i'm doing tae-bo every night, how long would it take me to lose 5 pounds to start off with, because my goal weight is 160 by june or july. PLEASE REPLY!