From Water, Age 17 - 01/12/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Guys me again is there such a thing as drinking too much water??????????????????????? Yes? No? Maybe? Can someone tell me how much to drink to loose Weight!!!!!!
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 21 - 01/13/04  - IP#:
Actually yes, you can become over hydrated...I am a 4th year nursing student and we have had a whole lecture on over hydration. Not only does your body need water, your body also needs electrolytes and sodium to balance out the water. The new guidlines that are out state that you should be drinking half your body weight in water a day. (in ounces of course) SO for example..if you weigh 170 lbs you should be drinking 85 ounces of water a day.
Reply from Amanda, Age 17 - 01/12/04  - IP#:
I used to believe that water made you gain weight because of water gain but it dosen't. My mom always told me if you ever get hungry and want to lose weight, get a big cup of water and gulp it down. You will fill full when you're done.
Reply from jess, Age 17 - 01/12/04  - IP#:
as far as weight loss is concerned.. drink drink drink drink and drink MORE water!!! Dont worry about drinking too much... youll pee before you get sick from drinking too much lol
Reply from Amber, Age 18 - 01/12/04  - IP#:
it is almost impossible to drink too much water. In order to do that you would have to drink like 3 or 4 gallons of water. If you tried you would throw up and pass out before you would be able to drink that much. Don't worry about drinking too much water. Most people are smart enough to stop drinking water when they feel like they are going to burst and are in an incredable amount of pain. Not to mention you would be peeing faster than you could drink.
Reply from michelle, Age 16 - 01/12/04  - IP#:
yeah actually u can die from being over hydrated but thats not going to happen to you
Reply from Matt, Age 14 - 01/12/04  - IP#:
Actually there is such a thing as too much. Its called being oer hydrated. But u have to drink like 3 gal. so dont owrry but if u did its like being de-hydrated you would pass out etc. but i dont think it happens a lot
Reply from Water, Age 17 - 01/12/04  - IP#:
So drink as much as i can stand cold with out any salt and that'll help cool thanks
Reply from Lacey, Age 14 - 01/12/04  - IP#:
umm no there is no such thing as to much water drink drink drink drink drink and the colder the better hope this helps! but don't eat to much salt because the you retain water and weigh more