From EDDiE, Age 16 - 01/17/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey everyone,
whats up? well i have lost 7 lbs in the last 9 days because i have not eaten anything but salads and water but im very happy with the wieght i have lost already and now a friend that i meet online is mad at me because she says im doing it wrong me or im meand tell me what you thuink ..plz...thanx ...eddie
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/18/04  - IP#:
salad is great and so is losing weight- but you need to be nutritionally balanced and only eating salad just won't do it for your body. you can still stay on the neg. cal. thing but there are other foods- such as tuna and most veggies- try eating a lot of broccoli for calcium. things like that and you can still lose that much weight- but you need to be more well rounded. good luck!
Reply from stephanie, Age 16 - 01/17/04  - IP#:
although i congratulqate you on your weight loss, i need to point out your friend is right. you have a buddy for support but also for help with things you cant see. many people see weight loss as a "slim down" thing, when it should be a lifestyle change. expect to spend one year loosing the weight you need to and an additional year working just as hard to keep it off. salad and water is not realistic and isnt good for you. salad and water is a negitive calorie intake, which is why you loose so much weight. what is that? basically, you burn more calories chewing than are in the food. its not good for you because your body cant function properly (especially bad during the school year) and you will have problems. mineral defficiencies etc are terrible, almost worse than being overweight because they can permanently damage your body. i encourage you to eat healthy and exercise. relax and listen to your buddy, sometimes a dose of reality is just what you need. email me:
Reply from danielle, Age 13 - 01/17/04  - IP#:
Eddie if u are happy and are loseing weight this way dont listen to your friends