From determined, Age 16 - 01/18/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Does it bother anyone else when people say, "To lose weight, just eat well and excercise?" It bugs the crap out of me and this is why. ITS WRONG. If that was the key to losing weight than everyone would lose weight and they would never stop losing weight. Eating right and excercising is the key to maintaining weight. So how do you lose? Your guess is as good as mine-but the holdthemayo clinic diet sounds good right about now. Reply with commentary. thanks
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 01/18/04  - IP#:
no- see the key to maintaining weight is the same as losing weight except it's at different degrees. but eating correctly and consuming fewer calories then your body is burning daily IS how to lose weight- and you throw in exersize because it burns even more calories...
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 01/18/04  - IP#:
To lose weight you have to burn more calories than you consume. So all you have to do IS eat less and exercise more. Some people don't lose weight this way because they eat too much and don't exercise. So not to be rude, but that IS the way you lose weight.