From Sarah, Age 13 - 02/03/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey...I was wondering if anyone could help. Im 13 and im around a size 10-12 now, and I want to get down to a perfect 10 and loose weight on my leg especially. I already walk tons, especially at weekends, so could anyone give me any other sort of advice like eating wise? Or exercise wise to get my calfs smaller and to get my hips smaller? I also find it really hard to stick to diets seeing as my family tend to have alot of junk foods, any tips? Please help...Thanks a ton. xxxxxx
Reply from S, Age 17 - 08/22/05  - IP#:
I've been doing lunges for a week to give my thighs a more toned look, and already it's starting to work! I got the following instructions off the internet on how to do them properly: "Standing upright, step one leg forward 2-3 feet. Keeping your upper body erect, and not moving forward during the lunge, dip your upper body down, bending your rear leg at the knee. Dip down until your rear knee almost touches the floor. Hold the tension for a count of 5-10 seconds, then slowly rise back up. Repeat several times before switching legs. Note: This is an excellent exercise for the hamstrings, bottom, and muscles around your hips. However, use caution not to stress your knees. If you feel pain in your knees, reduce the depth of the lunge. If you have knee problems, talk to your doctor before doing lunges."
Good luck!
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 02/03/04  - IP#:
well- you don't have to eliminate junk food from your diet but pay attention to the serving size and only have ONE serving. also count your calories- have between 1200-1500 calories a day and add in cardio instead of only walking for exersize. weight lifting will definately help you in the long run. good luck!