From fatty, Age 14 - 02/28/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
can some1 please help me i have been on a diet since last saturday and i havnt gone over 1000 calories 1 time ive been drinking lots of water and doin at leat 40 minutes of exercise each day.I weighed myslef today and im the same weight.
Reply from Linda, Age 16 - 02/29/04  - IP#:
Hey! It's okay, your diet seems pretty good unless you are eating fried foods or unhealthy things...which would ruin your diet even though it was low carb. Just stick to your diet and the weight will soon come off! Sometimes it just takes awhile. Good luck!
Reply from brian w., Age 16 - 02/28/04  - IP#:
well thats prolly not the best diet. you also need to excersize. I came here today to ask why the atkins diet wasnt working for me even tho it worked for me a year ago (I got lazy) and everyone keeps saying the atkins diet is all unhealthy and crap. the atkins diet is a better alternative to obesity. no other diets work for me. i suggest the atkins diet or "south beach"