From lindsey, Age 14 - 03/07/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
is it bad to skip a period?
Reply from Heather, Age 17 - 03/11/04  - IP#:
It can be normal to miss a period (ive been having mine for over 5 years and it still isnt regular, well not on its own, im on birth control that helps keep it regular now) Ive had times where ive missed my period for 6 months, I went to my doctor and he told me everything was fine. but if it worries you (which is really whats important) than you should see a doctor just to get it checked out, but really if you arent sexually active it probably isnt a big deal.
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 03/08/04  - IP#:
Hmm... well that's what started a chain of events that made me a little overweight in the first place. But no, not ilegitimite (believe it or not) and not bad. Depends for different people...
Reply from Ashlee, Age 14 - 03/07/04  - IP#:
you shouldn't worry, unless u have bn sexually active, then you should talk to your mom, and go see a doctor or gynacologist, but if you have just started with it, u should be fine, also if you work out alot it can be delayed, one time my period was 3 weeks late because i had started yoga
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 03/07/04  - IP#:
i no one month just a few months after i started i missed a period and i was worried but my mom and my olde rfirend said it was normal cuz my periods arent regular yet but if u miss it for the next couple months like 3 in a row i mean wait a whole month then count the month because they might not be regular yet but dont worry bout it enless u have been sexually active then i would go see a doctor
Reply from Jazzy Boo, Age 14 - 03/07/04  - IP#:
OMG THATS SCARRY but as long as ur not sexually active theres nothin to worry about and maybe it skipped because your stressed or been workin out too much I whish ya the best come to tha chat room sometimes cya
Reply from Rachel, Age 14 - 03/07/04  - IP#:
Not if you just started... at first you will be very irregular so just be patient... but if you haven't been eating then it's bad so see a doc..