From QUESTION ABOUT WW, Age 16 - 03/10/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I know alot of weight watcher meals that you can get at the store or somewhat fatty and high in calories, but if i had 3 meals a day that would add up to about 20 points and maybe an apple or two in between, and of course exercised would I lose weight? I guess what im asking is if I just ate the weight watchers meals you can buy pre packeged at the store for my food, would I be able to lose alot (hoepfully) of weight?
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 03/11/04  - IP#:
I have done weight watchers.. and am doing it now (kinda) i have learned that eating a more variety of foods is better. packaed meals are great vut adding more fruits and veggies and switching it up works muc better. not to mention that it would become quite expensiv buying all thoe packaged meals, cuz i think they are around 3 dollars give or take so let's say at most 10 dollars a day. thats 70 dollars a week. i think there are better ways to go about it. good luck! love always! ~*MaNdY*~