From Cherry, Age 15 - 03/25/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Has anyone ever tried, or heard of the "The Lemonade diet" or "The Master Cleanser"? If you have tried it how much weight did you lose in a day, a week, a month (etc however long you followed it) and what kind of exercise did you do while on it....) Thanxxx A LOT!**I am planning on starting the Master Cleanse this Sunday and doing it for at least 10 days. It's not only for losing weight but thats my motivation (I am 5'8, 215lbs)and I would like to lose 30 or 40 by my b day July 26th. You can lose (toxins and fat, not muscle) 10lbs in a week or 2lbs a day. I want to get an excersize bike this week too. Love those things. Here is the website to the book (The full Master Cleanser) online.
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 03/27/04  - IP#:
I didn't ask you.
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/27/04  - IP#:
i don't think i'm god. you asked for opinions and i gave you mine. i wasn't rude and i think thast next time you should say i want opinions but only those that are on my side if you're going to react like this. i'm going to keep giving my opinion on fasting for weight loss wether you like it or not because it's not good for your body- especially if you don't have a doctor looking after you while you do it. i found that site to be very fake and dangerous looking. that's my opinion and i will state it whenever i feel like it, next time don't ask if you can't take it.
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 03/26/04  - IP#:
I know a lot about nutrition, my mother was a nutritionist. (Guess none of that rubbed off on me though lol, who would have thought a nutritionists daughter overweight...strange.)
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 03/26/04  - IP#:
*ahem* I know anne, you think everything else but what you think is stupid and what not, but that is no reason to put down other things in such a rude manner. If you have never tried it do not bash it. Just because you think it is stupid does not mean it is. You are not God, which is what you seem to appear to think. I may be wrong but it just comes off that way to me. I would appreciate it if in the future you could please be more respectful and kind to people who have information on things too(you are not the only one.) I, nor you, are doctors, therefore we do not know everything we think we do. It might be a bad idea, and it might not, I shall see and report back. God Bless. Ps: Of course good nutrition is great after you have cleansed your body of horrible toxins and excess fat.
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 03/26/04  - IP#:
"For the novice and the advanced student alike, cleansing is basic for elimination of every kind of disease. The purpose of this book is to simplify the cause and the correction of all disorders, regardless of the name or names. As we eliminate and correct one disease, we correct them all, for every disease is corrected by the same process of cleansing and building positive good health." that is complete crap. you can't "cleanse" away most diseases and you probably will just lose muscle weght even if the site says you won't.i don't trust that dite and it's probably not aproved by the fda and is only a personal site that someone put up! it sounds way to harmful to your metabolism and very phony to me. if you just teach yourself about nutrition and how your body works then you would know what to stay away from and what not to...missing meals won't kill you but you'll end up regreting pulling down your regualar metabolsim by lack of muscle and lack of digestion...
Reply from Cherry, Age 15 - 03/25/04  - IP#:
Tell me what you think! Thanxxx