From Fiona, Age 14 - 05/12/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Every day i wake up with a sore body and after sleeping for 12 hours i am still soo tired i cant even stand up . i weight 240 pounds and i am only 14. i am taking homeschool cuz i am to embarrased and depressed to go to school. i have cholesterol and the doctor said my kidney is a little bad . i dont want to die before i am 17 or even 16 of a heart attack please help me! i need a buddy so we can help each other and i need alot of motivation i cant go on like this no more *cries* why does life have to be so hard on some people?
Reply from JUSTSTRANGE, Age 12 - 05/13/04  - IP#:
i totally feel bad for you! do NOT end up on dialisis. i suggest a choelstrol FREE vegan diet.
Reply from Chris, Age 14 - 05/12/04  - IP#:
You're not gonna die. If you were in any real danger the doctor would give you a diet to follow.
Reply from Suzu, Age 16 - 05/12/04  - IP#:
Hun, you shouldn't be embarressed about who YOU are! Look, I weigh 205, and am 5'7. For some odd reason it doesn't sow as much, nor is it that bad. All you hacve to do is look yourself in the mirror and say one thing, "I'm beautiful, I'm worth it" Its not going to be extremely easy as it is for some people, but you just have to believe that you can and develope your will power. This'll help you get through it all!