From *//*//*//*//*, Age 14 - 05/24/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
hey everyone wats crackin? i was wondering if anyone who lost weight could reply and let me know how much u lost and how u did. Oh and dont forget to mention how much time it took you. I love this site and im so glad i can get feedback from all different kinds of people! thanks so much u guys, i love all the support here. byeee
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 05/25/04  - IP#:
well- i started really concentrating on losing weight feb. 2003- but i really didn't start losing weight until a couple of weeks before school started this year. so far i've lost 26 pounds by eating less calories and being more active(duh- but hey- the old way works with less doubts). i did tennis and taebo and wal;ks with my boyfriend. my goal by the end of the summer is to drop the rest of the weight and be at 125-130. oh and i'm 5'5"...adding fruits and veggies into your diet really helps!
Reply from ~kAiTlYn~, Age 14 - 05/24/04  - IP#:
I've lost about 25 pounds by not eating as much, exercising, cutting some junk food. I was 210 in the beginning of the year and I am around 182-185,(5 months.)
Reply from Samantha, Age 15 - 05/24/04  - IP#:
I lost 18 lbs. by exercising everyday. Usually 30 minutes of jogging or walking,pilates is good too.I stopped drinking regular soda and watched what I ate it took about 2/3 months