From Carmen, Age 16 - 06/10/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
ugh i just gave in and had 1/2 cup of 98% fat free ice cream. Is that bad? it was 90 calories and 1 gram saturated fat and about 2.5 grams fat all togethershould i feel this quilty? Im having a salad for dinner to make up for it
Reply from Agie, Age 14 - 06/11/04  - IP#:
no way! everybody has to endulge in a delight like that sometimes! u cant not ever have yummy treats like that! think of it as a reward for a job well done so far!
Reply from Annie, Age 14 - 06/10/04  - IP#:
no way! i don't think 90 calories would kill u and 2.5 grams of fat isn't so bad either! i think u should be proud of urself. Good luck! God bless! ~Annie
Reply from Kally, Age 17 - 06/10/04  - IP#:
oh wow no! thats doing so good.. im lucky if i can just eat a cup more less 1/2 a cup good job! what are your stats??
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 06/10/04  - IP#:
For a spluge- I'd say that was pretty good. Under 100 calories, so you were able to control yourself. You should be proud not guilty.