From lisa, Age 14 - 06/15/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
im back from vacation and ready to start my diet...i weigh about 148 and im 5' 6"...i hop to weigh around 120-125 by the end of gonna try this plan...B-cheerie o's, skim milk, banana, L-yougurt, strawberries and 1 piece of whole wheat toast, D-small portion of what my mom makes...i will be drinking 8 glasses of water and a 1 and 1/2 hours of exersize a day can i reach my goal????DO U THINK I CAN GET TO A SIZE 7?I WANNNA LOOK LIKE MICSHA BARTON FORM THE O.C>, the best show ever!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from Emily and Juli, Age 15 - 06/18/04  - IP#:
I LOV THAT SHOW!!! ur diet plan sounds harder to do than say, but if u r discipled i think u can reach ur goal! Ur plan was very helpful to us! u showed us wut a healthy diet can be played out! GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS!
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/16/04  - IP#:
just losing weight won't change your body shape and most likely you'll never look like her. don't set yoursel;f up for failure...
Reply from Kally, Age 17 - 06/15/04  - IP#:
Hey thats funny.. me and like 4 of my friends are doing this thing where we are picking an actress and completely turning ourselves into them for school next year ! lol mines mischa barton too!! good luck! you can do it