From Brad, Age 15 - 06/16/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Just some tips for the people here, try and do more physical activities and avoid watching too much televison or staying too long on the interent. What you could do is use a bike machine - thats if you have one or just do any other exercise while your watching tv - better than sitting down and no exercise! good luck oh yeah i have a question - is exercising in cold weather better than in the hot?
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/16/04  - IP#:
um- guys- sweating more doesn't burn more calories despite popular belief. it just makes you get dehydrated sooner and gets some salt and potassium out of your body. which the salt part is good. but it doesn't burn calories by just sweating- that's just to cool your body down. it doea burn more calories if you stay in cold temperatures because your body does things by burning calories to warm itself up like tensing up and shivering. i don't know about exersizing in cold weather though...
Reply from (a$$13, Age 17 - 06/16/04  - IP#:
I got my mum's old step from when she did step areobics and I'm going to use it while I watch TV. Most shows are 30 mins long so that's over the recommended 20 mins 3 times a week reccomendation.
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 06/16/04  - IP#:
even when it's hot, i wear sweatpants and stuff like that that will make me sweat more to burn more calories.
Reply from AnnaBanana, Age 16 - 06/16/04  - IP#:
i agree with abi. Exercizin in heat makes u sweat more.
Reply from abi, Age 12 - 06/16/04  - IP#:
no exerisin in the heat is probably better you may feel uncomfortable but because you are hotter you sweat more causing you to burn more calories hope this helps love abixx