From chelsea, Age 15 - 06/23/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Man..Guys..I have a big problem..Ok..Well I started out as 147 and now I'm like 138..I was 136.5 this morning but I think I gained some because of the way I've been eating way to much..I've just had it. What Do you guys think about this..I should stop trying to diet,buy some clothes that look really good on me now and look my best so I'll feel confident..And Keep myself busy with friends and other things..And just eat normally..Do you think I'll eventually get to 115? I'm 5'1" so Thats a good goal for me. I know I won't be there by school..but do you think that maybe within 6 months I'll get just being a normal kid and stop obbsessing about food and weight? I mean..I have found that the more I worry about it..The more I eat. Please reply guys..I really want to find happiness..Fat or not..I need to love myself
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 06/24/04  - IP#:
hey there I think whatever makes you happy if you wanna be a new person then go on a diet but if you like the way you are then you shouldn't go on any diet! But you have to remember to reward yourself! Well good luck!!
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 06/24/04  - IP#:
i think that's a great way to go. but make sure you still stay active!
Reply from MissyK, Age 18 - 06/23/04  - IP#:
Hey Chelsea. Yah, I think that's a great way to look at things. Honestly, obsessing really screws people over (like me for instance). With normal eating, I do believe you can EASILY lose that weight in 6 months. Sure, go get some fitting clothes that'll accentuate your curves. You don't HAVE to be 115lbs to look good. Whatever you do, I'm sure you'll succeed as long as you try. I mean, my friend lost 5lbs in a month just by not eating midnight snacks. Good luck, and I'll keep writing. ~~MissyK~~
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 06/23/04  - IP#:
I didn't even weight myself dude..god. I said..I think I'm like 138 now because I messed up really bad today..but um you ever give anyone any nice comments?
Reply from JS, Age 12 - 06/23/04  - IP#:
you didnt gain real weight, not that fast. its only water weight. weigh yourself the same time every moring, with no chlothes, or really light chlothes on.