From hey, Age 16 - 07/04/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
beinh alive sucks
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 07/05/04  - IP#:
Oh and life isn't always fair. I found that out enough. But if you keep living youll find the parts that make it all worth while. Hang in there.
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 07/05/04  - IP#:

Reply from Jimmy, Age 15 - 07/04/04  - IP#:
she is so right Queen Latifa Is Considered one of the beautiful ppl and shes big plus being skinny is so overrated most guys dont like tooth picks anymore anywayz...and missy elliot used to be big but god have u seen her lately she lost over 75 fricken pounds shes gettin thin but she only did it cauwse her doctor told her too
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 07/04/04  - IP#:
You won't get thin w/ that attitude. Just think, some of the biggest stars are not thin, Missy Elliot and Queen Latifah, they show everyone that not being thin is beautiful!!!
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 07/04/04  - IP#:
You got to have a postive attitude, to be thin. And you should want to be healthy, not always worry about being thin. There are people that are thin that are probably more unhealthy than most of us. Just stay away from junk food, and switch to healthier choices. And trust me life WILL GET BETTER! I know it is tough, I have had extremely rough times in my life, but it all turns out well in the end or it will. Just do the things you want and be happy!
Reply from hey, Age 16 - 07/04/04  - IP#:
i wanna be thin so much