From Torretto, Age 16 - 07/04/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Alright by brother Jason is He is 18...around 6 foot and about 260lbs. I've never had a weight problem...but HE is just SO LAZY!! and he doesn't care...and I am worried about him! He puts on more weight every month...I just don't get him! What am I supposed to say! Parents don't care at all...I MEAN they are in the twlight zone!! I wanna help him I just don't know how to approach him! HELP ME!!!!
Reply from Torretto, Age 16 - 07/08/04  - IP#:
Good Question...girls are sooo sensitive!!! It makes me laugh...
Reply from patrick, Age 13 - 07/06/04  - IP#:
How is she being rude?
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 07/06/04  - IP#:
Duh guys are more helpful, all girls care about their weight and most guys don't. Stop being so rude.
Reply from Torretto, Age 16 - 07/05/04  - IP#:
Thanks Patrick! He really doesn't seem to care...He walks around in a swimsuit no problem and he walks around the house with no t-shirt on...I gues he's just content about the way he is! Me and him are going bowling tonight...I love him so much! (for some reason guys are much more helpful about this...thanks again!!)
Reply from patrick, Age 13 - 07/05/04  - IP#:
well, if u wanna know y he doesn't care about his weight, i guess it's because alot of us guys don't care that we're overweight. i'm about 6 ft and 205-210lbs, and i don't mind my weight, but i would lose weight for my health (my doc says that i'll grow into my weight eventually, so i don't need to lose weight very badly). of course, he might actually care about his weight and he just doenst want to tell anyone for who knows what reason. still, i think u should talk to him and tell him you're worried and he might listen.
Reply from Torretto, Age 16 - 07/05/04  - IP#:
I'm not mean to him...I love my bro dearly...I couldn't DREAM of being mean to him...and I am not calling him stupid because he is fat...I'm just SO frustrated!!! Jeez I come to this site for help and I get ATTACKED thanks for nothing!! :(
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 07/05/04  - IP#:
Don't call him stupid, the people on this site are not skinny so don't come on here calling fat people stupid. Do what chelsea said, but don't be mean to him!!!!!!!
Reply from chelsea, Age 15 - 07/05/04  - IP#:
Ok...hopefully you arent that mean to him over some weight gain. I think you should sit down and have a talk with him about how you are worried. You should invite him to do things with you..maybe swimming or jet ski riding..or something like that. and maybe help him with a diet..not exactly a diet but help him eat healthier and not want food all the time. I'm sure he knows hes got a weight problem now but he just doesnt like to talk about it..a lot of guys keep that sort of thing inside. Try not to be mean to him anymore or talk about him because that will just make him depressed and it wont help him with anything. Good luck and I hope you can help your brother. Chels