From anne, Age 17 - 09/26/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
omg. i've gaINED some weight back- i decided there'll be no more excuses, no more nibbling on my boyfriend's junk food, and no more junk. i have to get back on track. i'm stuck halfway there and i just finally want to get to my goal so i'm going to work hard. i did a 30 minute workout of kicks, crunches, running up and down the stairs and dancing and squats and stretching so that's good. i'm also going to do a 25 min. walk later tonight with my boyfriend's mom like usual. and i'm only going to eat 1200 calories today! i'm going to do it!
Reply from Winona, Age 17 - 09/28/04  - IP#:
You can do it Anne! Don't give up, you've come so far already that you're a real example of what hard work can pay off.
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 14 - 09/26/04  - IP#:
Good luck on losing the weight, we know you can do it.
Reply from ANNE, Age 17 - 09/26/04  - IP#:
thanks! oh and my ip is different because i'm at my boyfriend's house...