From Margaret, Age 15 - 12/10/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey. I weigh 150 and I'm 5'0. I want to weigh somewhere between 105-115 at the most. I can't seem to stick to a diet or anything. Could you guys give me some tips that you use that helps you stay motivated? Thanks a lot to anyone that replies! -Margaret
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 12/11/04  - IP#:
um- meagan- she is overweight. but not that she can't change that! you should be around 100-110 at 5'0". just remember to always keep it in your mind and think before you eat and just jump right in to exersizing in the morning so you don't have time to talk yourself out of it. good luck!
Reply from Megan, Age 16 - 12/11/04  - IP#:
you are not over weight much My sissy is 10 and 160 wow