From Kiem, Age 14 - 12/21/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Okay, well I'm 5'6 and 160 lbs. I want to loose weight in 12 days. Before Winter Break is over. You see I've tried millions of things, its hard for me to loose THE POUNDS! Can some 1 help me and tell me wat kinda diet i can use for the next 12 days and how to much i can loose? Thx SO much for your time and help. I really need it and i know it will make me feel more confident. :-D
You Guyz Are angels!
Reply from Kiem, Age 14 - 12/22/04  - IP#:
Thx no*.....i really hope this works but how much time does it take to see and feel an improvment.....i mean im anxious about this :D im so excited to loose weight and it makes me feel so good about myself to get great helpful tips from people who KNOW how i feel and dont just say they do.
Reply from no, Age 13 - 12/22/04  - IP#:
well my mother and docter said dieting is very unhealty for teens and kids so i just simply cut back if you stomach is a problem try doing sit-ups every night. If that is not very easy for you start out doing 10-15 sit-ups 2-3 days a week and you will see major improvments I doun't think you will loss a masive amount of weight in 12 days but you could totally loss bout 5 or even 7 pounds in a 1 week period!