From Zoe - 01/07/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
OMNG its me again my mum cooked bacon for dinner BACON SANDWHICHES i feel like a pig and i dont know what to do. I can't decide what I have for dinner which is why diet plans never work for me because my mum does the cooking. Does anyone have any advice for loosing weight in the day... I would be sooo grateful!
Reply from Diana, Age 17 - 01/16/05 - IP#: Maybe just tell her simply that you don't like bacon. Bacon is fattening anyway. I don't like bacon myself, but I think if you told her, then that would make her stop making bacon sandwiches!
Reply from Amy, Age 14 - 01/08/05 - IP#: Why not talk to ur mom bout it, it may be embarrasing but she might understand and want to help you, if not then ask her to not put as much bacon, or if u have butter don't have butter, bacon isn't that bad 4 u it has a lot of protein, and it has a bit of fat but if you only have a little bit. so ask ur mom to cut down or portions 4 u.
Reply from Lauren, Age 15 - 01/07/05 - IP#: So it can be ok in a diet! try asking your mum to grill the bacon instead of maybe frying as this is a healthier way of cooking bacon. To make it even healthier, try adding lettuce or tomatoe to the sandwich as this would count as your 5 fruit/veg per day. as long as it isnt caked in huge amounts of butter of any other type of fat, it is ok.