From krkristi, Age 15 - 01/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
does green tea really help u lose weight...or is it just something i many cups do u drink a day
Reply from Lauren, Age 15 - 01/08/05 - IP#: if you have a cup of green tea with breakfast,lunch and and dinner for around 10 days this will help you lose any wear from 3 - 8 lbs (along as you have a healthy diet to accompany this) but you have to have 10 days on the green tea and 3 days off then start over again. it works because it speeds up your metabolism.
Reply from Amal, Age 14 - 01/08/05 - IP#: yeah it mums drinks it everyday,dont kno how much you should drink though.Amal
Reply from Katherine, Age 15 - 01/08/05 - IP#: it speeds up ur matobolism, u should have about 3 cups a day!
Reply from Lora, Age 13 - 01/08/05 - IP#: i heard that somewhere but i dont no if it works