From dncr, Age 13 - 01/08/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
does anybody have any suggestions on how to lose weight from the stomach/thighs./butt region quickly by march 19th??? im 5'6, 142lbs and would like to be like 115-120 by march 19th...pleaseeeeeee help!!!!! im desperate for advice! thanks soo much
Reply from Lauren, Age 15 - 01/09/05 - IP#: you can lose weight on selected areas such as the stomach/thighs./butt region you body weill lose the weight the last place that you gained it. there is no certain foods you eat to make your stomache/thighs/butt etc but exercise will tone selected ares but this will be building up the muscle and losing the fat but not losing the lbs
Reply from Jessica, Age 13 - 01/08/05 - IP#: we are very 13 and i weigh 130...and like 5'3,5'4...well ive lost 7 punds over like the past month and a half and gained more muscle...u dont have to diet this is a diet: no junkfood,3 small meals a is what im doing im cutting back,u can still eat till ur fool,but try to eat a VERY picky eater...but i try stuff my parents wont make me eat it if i dont like it...dont eat late at night try not to eat past 8 at night...bad! later u eat,worse it is...and of course excercise...try to go to a gym..bring water with u to the something healthy like a banana or an apple or orange or nuts..thats good..some days u might wanna do only like 20-30 mins of carido where u run 30 secs,walk 1:30 secs...and when u run do it at like a very high speed...and bring music with u to the gym..passes time...and then when u do ur weighs on ur weight a 5 min warm up on the tred,then work ur body with the weights,then do 15 mins on a tred..thats basically my whole meal plan..and if u cant get away from like certain food,let me know which ones,i can soo help u..i plan to be 105-110 by april or let me know if there is anymore questions im happy to help!