From Lindsey, Age 13 - 01/16/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hi I'm Lindsey, 5'3" and 120 pounds. I am not "overweight" but I want to feel more comfortable about my body when I'm wearing a bikini at the beach! I'm a pretty lazy teen, and I want to get active. What are some healthy exersizes that will help my body get in better shape? I don't care so much about losing weight, but I want to look better! Please give me any tips you have. Thanks ^_^
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 01/17/05  - IP#:
running up and down the stairs and jumproping and jogging with your knees up in place will help build endurance. the thing that has really helped me build endurance has been taebo, and it burns major calories(at 167 i burn 1300 calories an hour and i do the hour long advanced tapes)- it also tones your arms, thighs, and abs. other then building all of that endurance and burning calories i suggest buying 10lb weights and building muscle- not only will this help you lose weight faster and make you more compact and toned- but it will also help keep you that way after you get to where you want your body to be!
Reply from Kathryn, Age 18 - 01/17/05  - IP#:
Yeah, you definetly don't need to loose any weight. But if you are looking to tone your body, try doing sit ups or crunches, depending upon which one you're more comfortable with, I find that sit ups are a lot easier to do, personally. But that should tone up your stomach! Also try doing...I can't remember what that's called...when you lay on your side and lift your leg that's facing towards the ceiling up and back down, but not completely down...but...yeah ^^;;