From Katherine, Age 15 - 01/31/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
its so weird, I just came back from a long weekend with my extended family. when im around them i have no urge to eat, I barely even look in a mirror because i am just so happy there. But the second i come home i get the urge to eat again and again and again, and i become self-conscious again... what should i do?
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 01/31/05  - IP#:
I dunno... possibly youre an emotional eater? Like when youre happy, you dont get cravings, but when youre sad or depressed, or just not busy enough, or maybe jsut too busy, you eat. Am I right? If this is true, then anytime you go to grab something to eat, (i know this is hard and takes alot of selfcontrol... but) ask yourself, why am I eating this? Am i really hungry? If so, then go for it. But if you cant figure out why you are about to eat it, then put it down!! Another helpful thing to do is that annoying diet calendar. Just record eveything you eat! I did it, and at the end of the first week, I imagined myself showing this to my doctor, and the shame of it made me eat less junk food!! Good Luck!