From chelsea, Age 16 - 02/10/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I have a huge peice of advice for everyone here. I have gone from 147 to 115 ( I'm only 5'2" ) and I only have 5 more lbs to lose until I'm at my goal weight range. I have struggled along the way and I have had my ups and downs. I just stayed positive no matter what and lived in the moment. I didn't wait until I was thin to do the things I love to do, like hang out with friends and go to the movies or wearing a cute outfit, I just bought the bigger size, even though it was depressing. The thing I wanted to bring up, that I have noticed a lot of on this site, is that everyone is setting a certain time limit for themselves..." I have to lose this weight by..." That isn't gonna work sweetheart. No matter how big the time limit. You need to take it day by day, pound by pound. You need to focus on the moment and tell yourself you are beautiful now, no matter how far you have to go. You can't plan to be a size 6 by summer. If you think that way, most likely you will fail on your diet and then you'll just start setting up a new time limit. I know this because I have been in your shoes. I ain't gonna lie, It was hell sometimes for me. I had my binge days and I had my mistakes. Everyone thinks that when they start a diet, that's it, If they cheat the diet is ruined, If they have one night of pigging out on anything and everything they have to start a new diet. Diets are stupid!!!! Eat what you want but in moderation, Don't tell yourself you can't eat chocolate cake ever again, have it today but don't eat the whole thing. I really do care about overweight people, why? Because I have stuggled with my weight since I was 9 years old, there have been times where I was so thin I had to be put in the hospitals and there were times I got so big I had to buy all new clothes every week. Now I finally got my life together. I wouldn't tell you something I thought would mess up your diets but if you think about what I'm saying and just take my advice, you'll get might not get there by June to wear that bikini but someday if you keep trying, day by day, you'll get there. Everyone here is really determined to get to their goals and that is awesome. You have to really want it to get there and everyone here really wants it. I feel your pain. I'm so proud of myself for making it this far and I know everyone will be in my shoes someday if they take my advice. Everyone, good luck...remember that you are beautiful now and always will be...even if you gained 20 more pounds or 50 at that. Size doesnt matter, your personality is what makes you beautiful, not your body. And if you think otherwise then your an ugly person. Trust me, I knew this girl ( luckly she moved ) She was skinny with big boobs and was probably one of the most beautiful people I've ever seen on the outside, but her personality sucked and nobody wanted to be around her. Good luck guys.
Reply from clifford, Age 16 - 02/12/05  - IP#:
WOW chels u have gone a long way and didnt i tell u it would happen for you one day and look at it that one day came and i am sooo proud of you get online and keep in contact i need nonweightloss help with something thats goin on right now well ttyl and way to go
Reply from Lola anti-chocolate, Age 15 - 02/11/05  - IP#:
wow that article was so insparational and i hope to take on board your advice. That has really motivated me. Thankyou so much
Reply from Charee, Age 14 - 02/10/05  - IP#:
that was one of the most INSPIRATIONAL things i have ever very happy you told us your stpry beacuse it opened my eyes to a difrent veiw, thanks so much couldnt be more grate ful..acually im gonna print what u said out and put it on my mirror for every morning when i wake up to think positive such as u just did, thanks....~*~CHAREE~*~ plz contact me and if u dont mind can u give me some one helps me but id appreaciiate if u would thanks again
Reply from becky, Age 20 - 02/10/05  - IP#:
Hi Chelsea.... i hope you read this....I read your article and i was amazed and inspired about what you wrote... your seem really sweet and caring. I was hoping to get a bit of advice from you. Im a bit older being 20 but am the exact height as you. i currently weigh 140 give or take a pound and my goal weight is roughly the same as yours 120 . I know thats 20 pounds and I dont know where to begin. I just started using the bike at the gym for 45 min to an hour and switching to the eliptical every other day. I also do strength training about 30. I do this 5-6 times a week. I do not count my calories i just eat when hungry and eat healthy of course. I was just wondering what your workout schedule was and if u counted calories or how did u handle food?.... I have never been on a diet before and seem totaly clueless on even how to lose a single pound non the less 20 pounds. i figured being my height and once my current weight you could help me a bit if you didnt mind. i have no time limit to loose 20 pounds. but then again i hope its possible since i think i was 11 or so (10 yrs ago) when i weighed 120. Please email me if you can or on aim jadeyez2002 Id really appreciate your help.
Reply from Hannah, Age 13 - 02/10/05  - IP#:
thanks,i needed that
Reply from Kelli, Age 13 - 02/10/05  - IP#:
You must be a mind reader. On January 1st i decided that i didnt want to weigh 143 lbs. anymore, i decided to take controll of my life and do something about it. At the beggining i did say to myself that i want to weigh 125 by vacation then i decided that after i lost the first 5 lbs. and i felt better about myself already, i realized that i am doing this for me,...not vacation... Thanks for the insparation
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 02/10/05  - IP#:
i just wanted to say how right u are. I couldn't of said it better myself!!
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 02/10/05  - IP#:
haha--that would be joyous laughter--- thank you so much! And you are so right, i never really thought about it that way-- im not loosing the weight to fit into the swimsuit by summer, im loosing it to be healthy and feel good about myself! YAY! totally inspirational! thanks!!!!
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/10/05  - IP#:
thank you