From JJ, Age 14 - 02/27/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
My mum constantly buys crap food. I have said to her, look, mum we're really dangeroulsy obese stop buying this crap. and she's like "ok I'll find a diet and then we'll follow it alright?? Good" Then she forgets. I keep naging and freaking nagging to her about tai chi or kick boxing or yoga classes, and I find places and all she has to do is say but she's always going on about "it's too far away" or "we can't afford it" (but somehow we can afford all this other crap like better tv's and more and more junk food) Do any of you guys know what I should do? Also, what are some good excersises that aren't boring and repetitive (eg: squat and crunches)??? Thanks!P.S This site rocks, I came on here about half a year ago and it really motivated me and now I've lost two stone!!!(only 6 more to go..:S) :) It's hard but keep going guys!  (Note: 1 stone (st) equals 14 pounds.)
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 02/27/05  - IP#:
yea, i know what u mean, my mom eats a lot, and buys so much junk food, then nags me about MY weight! i think she acctually thinks that shez way healthier than she really is
Reply from Amal, Age 14 - 02/27/05  - IP#:
yeah,thats a good idea from anne.i usually do that kinda stuff all the time.and you dont realise jus how much exercise you are doin cos ur busy singin along.try it.amal
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/27/05  - IP#:
putting on music and kicking and punching and dancing to it
Reply from JJ, Age 14 - 02/27/05  - IP#:
Thanks guys, I'll try what you guys said!!! You were all very helpful. Thanks! (I'm actually from australia. :) But it's cool you noticed I say mum!)
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 02/26/05  - IP#:
hey jj
i know fresh fruits and vegitable are really cheap in england*im assuming thats where your from because of the mum instead of mom* because i went over there in november to visit my family and it was so affordable so try and convince your mum that way or if not try asking her if she can give you some money to get some healthier things not much but just enough to keep you on a diet i hope that helps. also some ways of keeping excersize seeming less redundant is changing position of crunches like instead of your legs bent lay them flat or cross them over or something, when your working out do it while you are watching tv by doing them in the adverts and it passes the time quickly also get a group of friends together and start jogging or walking a little each night i hope that helps
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 02/26/05  - IP#:
i would ask her to go see a dietician or a nutrtitionist together, like you and her. that person will really sit you down adn tell you if you need to start changing your eating habits, and hopefully, after hearing it from a professional, your mom will be willing to help you. I'm very sorry she isn't listening to you now, it makes it twice as hard when you can't look to your family for support.
Reply from *Ray*Ray*, Age 13 - 02/26/05  - IP#:
Nevermind, your 14...scratch the job thing. If you get money for your birthday or other holiday you could even buy your own exercise tapes. *Ray*Ray*
Reply from *Ray*Ray*, Age 13 - 02/26/05  - IP#:
It's harder to do when you don't have your parents support. Or, they promise support but don't follow up. You basically have 2 options: 1 - do it yourself. Personally, I couldn't resist the food if it was in the house so I couldn't do it but if you have the willpower then go for it! You could just do exercises in your room or walk around your block or ride your bike -- something cardio. Or you could 2 - talk to your Mom again. Maybe you could have your doctor talk to her? He could tell her how bad it is for you to be so overweight. If the money for the gym is a problem ask her to buy you videos that you could do. They don't cost very much money. Or, if you could help her pay for the gym that'd work too -- do you have a job? (I think you said you were 16...) Well, whichever...I wish you lots of good luck. *Ray*Ray*
Reply from Catherine, Age 16 - 02/26/05  - IP#:
Try this: Tell your mom that you want to sit down and talk. Tell her that you are worried about your health. That you want to lose weight and be healthy. Fruits and vegetables can be cheap, and their is whole wheat bread that goes on sale all the time. The healthy stuff goes on sale, you just got to watch out for it. Tell her that if she doesnt want to eat the healthy stuff then she doesnt, but tell her that you want help. She should understand. Also maybe you get her to buy a nonfat milk for you, but just a half gallon, to save money and space. For exercises, crunches and squats are good in toning, but you need cardio and lift weights to lose fat. Just like hand weights will even do. Any cardio is good, basketball, baseball, running, walking, just whatever you do try to get your heartrate up for a good 20 minutes at minimum.