From Scar Face, Age 14 - 02/26/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Why won't people believe that I'm one person? I'm Scar Face. I'm not Erin, I'm not Desperate. I'm SCAR FACE. Why is everyone picking on me??? i just come to get and give support and I'm critisized. This is gay.
Reply from Trip, Age 16 - 03/04/05 - IP#: Yeah saying 'this is gay' is really stupid.......peace
Reply from kathryn, Age 17 - 02/28/05 - IP#: personally i think its better to stick with one name cuz then ppl can recognize you and can stike up a ralationship (however possible that is on the internet without being creepy). But for whatever reason some ppl want to change their names. Why is that a problem? Who cares? we are all here for one thing, support to get to a healthy weight!! So please ppl, stop turning something so trivial into a day-time soap opera!!
Reply from kels, Age 16 - 02/27/05 - IP#: if people wanna have a million different names, let 'em, this IS public domain, none of you own this site! this is a site for support, but ya'll seem to spend a LOT of time makin fun of each other! Seems to me, you fingers pointers out there have just as big of a self esteem issue as the ppl w/ ten diff. names. Ok! Yes, having a million different names is stupid, but it isnt any stupider than you girls and guys out there making this ur bussiness when it isnt! if you dont like it, dont read their posts or reply to them! DUH! ppl getta life, ok
Reply from jenn TO .........., Age 12 - 02/27/05 - IP#: it is time to end this conversation!! i was just telling the truth to scarface. IT is true that they cut out half of ur IP for security reasons!!!!! ANd no i am only calling the people morons that are saying rude remarks to scarface. Y can't we just leave that person alone!!!
Reply from ......... - 02/27/05 - IP#: and u know what? u r helping them argue. from what u say, that is just being more contrevrsial jenna. r u calling your self a moron to? i am not a moron either--this will just cause more of a discusiion, so i think we should all just hush about it. nothing to jet upset about. sheez you r acting like a baby
Reply from jenn TO anne, Age 12 - 02/27/05 - IP#: u are not the moron. i am talking about the people who keep arguing about these stupid things
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/27/05 - IP#: i'm not a moron- i'm fighting about equal rights which is a very noble cause and eddie/scar face was def. iun the wrong about his word choice!
Reply from jenn TO ALL, Age 12 - 02/27/05 - IP#: NO U ALL ARE MORONS!!!!! U ARE FIGHTING ABOUT THE STUPIDEST THINGS!!! come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yes, some computer have the same IP address in the first few numbers, then the other half is different. MY GOD!!!!!
Reply from Scar Face, Age 14 - 02/27/05 - IP#: Actually NO i dont. You guys are supposed to be supportive but most of these people are real morons.
Reply from ......... - 02/27/05 - IP#: u r just hiding behind that fact! thats not true, in your case. do u see any other ppl that have the same IP except u aroung here?? NO so u just want to hide behind jenna
Reply from Scar Face, Age 14 - 02/27/05 - IP#: Unless I'm schitzo, which I highly doubt. I have one name and I'm one person -- Scarface. I USED to be Eddie. Now I'm Scarface. And the IP adress shows only half for user confidentiality or some crap, so if you could see the other half, you'd see it was different. Some people are just way to quick to point fingers.
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 02/27/05 - IP#: um- no, it's not sexually attracted to the same sex so stop being so fricken offensive. sexual prefrence should not be used as an insult. i usually stick up for you- but you've just puissed me off by using gay and an insult...
Reply from ......... - 02/26/05 - IP#: well, we cant assume that jenna is right, considering MOST computers DONT have the same IP adress. if scar face wasnt another person, he would know that himself, and not say thank u. cuz quite frankly, i remember that he was called "eddie" one time, and that IS true. he is many ppl---he just doesnt want us to know and just hides behind the rare fact that the Ip adress could be the same
Reply from Tinkerbell, Age 15 - 02/26/05 - IP#: THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT...he's trying to be more than one person and it doesnt take a space monkey to figure him out..DUH! its called a IP address!!!!
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 02/26/05 - IP#: ur welcome
Reply from Scar Face, Age 14 - 02/26/05 - IP#: thank u jenna!!!!!
Reply from jenna, Age 12 - 02/26/05 - IP#: a lot of peeps have the same IP b/c the computer only shows half of the IP address 4 security reasons
Reply from anti -chocolate lola, Age 15 - 02/26/05 - IP#: ur IP adress
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 02/26/05 - IP#: don't say something is stupid by calling it gay. Do you think gay people are stupid?