From faye, Age 14 - 03/12/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Help! Ive got a weird shape and i need to lose weight, i weigh 11 stone, and ive got a flat and slim stomach,then ive got a huge bum and thighs, with skinny calfs. When i say huge bum, i mean huge, i get teased because it sticks out so much. How can i lose weigh on my thighs n bum, and not scarifice my flat slim stomach?  (Note: 1 stone (st) equals 14 pounds.)
Reply from [.x-Amanda-x.], Age 14 - 03/13/05  - IP#:
You can NOT lose weight in just one place on your body. Think of it this way, if you eat alot and don't exercise, you become overweight, but your but isn't the only thing that gets big, your stomach and face and arms and EVERYTHING gets bigger along with it. So how do you expect to lose weight in only one spot? It's highly unlikely to do it, im not saying its not possible but it probably won't work and you will just end up dissapointed in the long run. Don't do exercises just for a specific body-part. Do a little more for that part but not JUST for that part. It's called spot-reducing, and it is impossible. If ya want go to and type in Spot Reducing and you will get more info. I hope I helped.... GOOD LUCK!!
Reply from Marylin, Age 14 - 03/12/05  - IP#:
okay, your not fat, I think that you shouldnt get made fun of because you know how perverted these dumb guys can get when it comes to girls with big booties ans boobies, well, you can try tucking it in and out like 30 times a day and on lifetime t.v, the channel, Denise Austin comes on at 7:00-8:00 and that has a lot of thighs