From Christina, Age 16 - 03/14/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey okay, I am the SAME weight as a week ago, when I've been eating extreamly healthy and exercising a ton. Its not muscle gain...I checked. I've been eating 1200 cals a day and exercising 6 times a week about 1 to 2 hours each time. Does anyone know what gives? I'm kinda fusterated and I WONT GIVE IN! I just want to finish this diet off, its so hard.
Reply from Melanie, Age 14 - 06/27/10  - IP#:
Hey Christina chillllaaaaxxxx!!!! My main question is how long you have been doing your whole little diet/excerise thing. Ok so first of all, if you havent been doing it long, sometimes loosing wait takes a while, just dont stress because you can easily gain more wait. If you have been doing it for a 4 weeks or longer and yous stoped loosing wait, you should change up the type of excerise your doing and the same old boring foods. Sometimes, when your body gets tired of things and used to things it stops doing what its supposed to do and stops you from loosing wait. If you constatly keep changing (but not too much) your excerise and your diet, your body woulnt get tired of it and it will actually honestly let you loose more weight and keep you healthier!! Scientists have even proven it!! So just hang in there Christina and remember wut I said :)
Reply from *Ray*Ray*, Age 14 - 03/14/05  - IP#:
Yeah, changing it up would probably work too, but if its only been 5 days then the results just may be taking longer. They might be taking longer because the longer you are losing weight and the less weight you have to lose the slower it comes off. *Ray*Ray*
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 03/14/05  - IP#:
Hey thanks guys. I didn't think of that but I'm deffinitly going to change up my calorie intake, and exercise routine. Thanks a lot!
Reply from ashley!, Age 15 - 03/14/05  - IP#:
what ray ray said about your plateau..may be true. But dont just keep doing the things your doing..that is why you hit a plateau, your body got used to the routine so it isnt a exercise anymore. So instead of doing the same stuff, mix it up this week. Do completely different workouts and stay on that for about 2-2 1/2 weeks. Then go back to the one your on now. It will help. good luck
Reply from Hayley, Age 15 - 03/14/05  - IP#:
i would not eat the same amount of calories every day. Every time I start getting into a plateau, I mix up the amount of calories I have every day. Some days more, some days less. I know it may sound hard to eat more because you're worried you''ll gain, but TRUST ME. I always lose around 2-3 pounds the weeks that I do this.
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 03/14/05  - IP#:
Hey, ya I dont think I have a disease. This has only been going on for like 5 days, but I usually get super fast results. I'll keep you posted tho, and thanks for the advice.
Reply from *Ray*Ray*, Age 14 - 03/14/05  - IP#:
It's possible you have some sort of problem...such as thyroid disease, so you might want to check with your doctor. It is also possible, and more likely that you are just hitting a platau which happens every once in a while. The best way to deal is just continue with what you're doing, things might level out soon. If it continues to stay that way, I'd check with a doctor to see if you have a medical condition or are doing something wrong. Good luck! *Ray*Ray*