From Jaimie, Age 14 - 04/03/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
i seriously dont know what to do anymore. i try to do exserzise but i get so lazy. my dad is constantly telling me or calling me fat, he even tell my family members. its like geez i know im fat but i dont need to hear aover and over again.i don't know how to get out of my lazy "stage". all the sports at school are over. can any1 help me?!
Reply from Kaitlyn, Age 15 - 04/03/05  - IP#:
If you have overweight friends, you can all be buddies and go out and do fun things like chanllenge eachother to a basketball tournament or go swimming or hiking. And motivate eachother to keep it up and don't forget to eat healthily too. It will be really really hard at first, but after a while you wonder how you could've ate so much b4, it happened to me. Good Luck.