From Josh, Age 16 - 04/16/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Umm i need diet ideas cuz i its been just recently I've gained alot of weight and the other day my aunt commented on how 'Chunky" i was getting. I mean i dont even know if i'm overweight, i'm 5'2 and that overweight?/
Reply from NiNi, Age 14 - 04/23/05  - IP#:
your not too overweight but you can get some great diets from books from the bookstore you dont have to buy the book just look at it and get some ideas the woman magazine has a lot of diets like every month and also i can give you an example of one day and if you can like make your meals similar to that itd be good
Breakfast:2 boiled eggs 1 toast
Snack:any kind of fruit
Lunch:tuna with 1 cup of rice and greenbeans
Snack:veggie(carrots celery cucumbers)
Dinner:4oz of steak and a salad with low fat dressing or lemon
Desert:low fat sherbert
drink a lot of water at least 8 glasses a day and cut off the junkies if you feel hungry eat some fruits or rice cakes or something healthy or low fat like desert try fat free cool whip with a cup of jello you need nutrients and proteins like meats dont drink any soda and if you crave something eat a small portion of it or substitute it with something like it but low fat
Reply from josh, Age 15 - 04/19/05  - IP#:
when i broke my elbow i couldn't do anything and i gained a lot of weight--you aren't very overweight though, but if you do want to lose weight, drink a lot of water and dont' eat as much sweets, and try to exercise. Don't skip meals though, because it slows down your metabolism and makes losing weight harder. if you wanna talk, post back and i'll give you my email
Reply from Sara, Age 13 - 04/18/05  - IP#:
south beach is the only way to go i lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks and i feel less hungry and everything
Reply from Leanne, Age 16 - 04/18/05  - IP#:
Check the Weight Caculater, It will tell you if you're overweight or on the risk of becoming overweight.
Reply from bett, Age 15 - 04/18/05  - IP#:
wat works for me is keep a part of my body moving. it works, try it
Reply from reb, Age 15 - 04/18/05  - IP#:
yes that is defenately overweight, you need to exercize to become toned.
Reply from anne, Age 18 - 04/18/05  - IP#:
you are a little opverweight- but don't despair! you don't need to lose much! shoot for maybe around 140lbs do this slowly by changing aome amall bad habits- drink water instead of soda, do something active for 20-30 minutes a day, don't obsess! you can do this! and trust me- i bet you don't look bad- for some reason aunts(like my skinny aunt) just let things like that slip out of their mouths if you're anywhere near less than perfect...
Reply from Matt, Age 15 - 04/17/05  - IP#:
I HAVE THE SAME PROBELM!! i recent;y broke my shoulder and gained 20 pounds from not being able to do anyhting and only eating fast food most of the tim i still can't do sports for like 3 more weeks:( but i am more active i walk a lot more bye haha if you wanna talk just reply bak