From angie, Age 15 - 08/22/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8, Wt. 170 - hey guys, is coffee really bad to drink?? Im like hooked to it now for some reason and i like have to have a cup a day. I put a bit of milk in it and some Splenda so it doesnt have sugar but it bad for you?
Reply from kristin, Age 11 - 08/30/05  - IP#:
Reply from lola, Age 15 - 08/23/05  - IP#:
I dont think its additive but u shouldnt drink more than 1 cup a day due to caffeine and especially dont drink it in the evening before u go bed
Reply from nikki, Age 17 - 08/22/05  - IP#:
during school-i drink a cup every morning. i got off it for the summer but i sleep in everrry day. soo during school im gunna drink it again. i dont think its tat bad for u. as long as u dont have to much of course
Reply from Jamie, Age 16 - 08/22/05  - IP#:
Caffeine is a drug (I swear-I learned that at school) and so it will be addictive. No, you wont lose your job over it or get kicked out of school for drinking it, but it is something that you will want to drink more of. I think that is why so many people drink sodas continuously throughout the day. Anyway, one cup shouldn't do you any harm, but more than that is probably a bad idea. After all, doctors say it's good to drink one glass of wine a day (Red, I think) but if you drink more than that it's probably going to damage something in the long run.
Reply from ? - 08/22/05  - IP#:
its addictive, like a drug
Reply from Moe, Age 14 - 08/22/05  - IP#:
Coffies definitely not healthy but I cant say its bad. One cup a day is will make your energy level sag but otherwise its harmless.