From Tony, Age 14 - 08/27/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9'', Wt. 190 - Hey guys. My name is Tony and I'm 14. I am 5 foot 9 and weight 190 pounds. I just started high school and I've already been put down because of my weight. I don't know what to do because I am so unhappy. I want to lose about 25 pounds but I need to lose it quick or the insults will keep piling up. If you have and suggestions, please let me know. I could use all the help I can get.
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 14 - 08/31/05  - IP#:
Hi Tony, I'm 14, and I weigh 185 pounds. I'm also about 5'9. I once weighed 225 but I began a diet of my own that I made up and got results very fast. What I did is I made my mom buy me healthy foods like fruit and salads. So for breakfast I'd have fruit, once in a while I'd skip lunch or I'd have a salad, and for dinner I'd eat chicken and veggies. I also ride my bike alot and do 100 - 200 sit ups each night before I go to bed. I lost 45 pounds in about 3 months and about 6 sizes. I'm still going on with my diet but it worked for me and I hope this advice works for you:) The key is to eat healthy and get active.
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 08/29/05  - IP#:
get active and eat healthy.
Reply from Beth, Age 14 - 08/28/05  - IP#:
Hi Tony. Whatever you do bullies will always comnquer! I lost 20 lbs ;last school year and some ppl noticed and others didn't. The ppl that noticed were the bullies and they said now trhat i was loosing weight to please them. it got me depressed so i ate!. the bullies have lefdt the school now so I am trying again, let's wpork together on this??? e-mail me anfd we cAN TALK ABOUT IT :)(EXCUASE THE TYPING IT'S ;ATE IN THE DAY AND i'VE JUST BEEN FOR A WALK AND I'M TIRED)
Reply from Marina, Age 14 - 08/28/05  - IP#:
When someone makes fun of you just push it aside. People make fun of me all the time for different things and I try to not let it get to me. Just change your eating habits and Im sure you will be fine.