From krista, Age 13 - 03/18/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"7, Wt. 268 - who wants to do this with me i am only drinking water /flavored water today no soda no juice does ne one wanna try it with me
Reply from To Andrea - 03/25/06  - IP#:
Drinking diet soda is still bad. It still has sugar in it. Diet doesn't mean okay. I did say aspertain is not good for you A LOT. In moderation [occasionally] it's fine. Two diet sodas a day is bad.
Reply from andrea, Age 15 - 03/18/06  - IP#:
aspertain acctually isnt that bad if u have it in i only have 2 diet sodas a day if that
Reply from Julie, Age 17 - 03/18/06  - IP#:
Julia's right. Flavored water isn't really that good for you. Try just drinking plain water.
Reply from julia, Age 15 - 03/18/06  - IP#:
water flavored water has apspertain in it which means it is bad to drink it A LOT! Just stop drinking soda all together and when you have juice mix half with water. Works for me
Reply from {{**JUELSZ**}}, Age 16 - 03/18/06  - IP#:
im in!