From Lucia, Child's Age 11 - 07/13/03 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hello, I want to talk about my very obese daughter named Sara, who is 213. She is the biggest child I have ever seen or known, and she is just getting bigger and bigger, and now she's thirty five inches around the waist. I have tried to put a diet on her, but we've only made small progress. You see, all her life she has stuffed her face with food, and only recently have I tried to stop her and put her on a diet. But I was too late..(Click here to see rest of message).
Reply from it's me yet another teen, Child's Age 13 - 11/13/03  - IP#:
bye the way, my name is yea...if you have any leftover candy from halloween,...TAKE IT OUT!! tell your daugheter to ask herself these questions, " What is this one piece of food gonna do for me? have 2 minutes of pleasure for a price of fat on me for the rest of my life?" i dont think so...REMEMBER: "A MOMENT ON THE LIPS...A LIFETIME ON THE HIPS!" also tell her this: the more and more she eats...the more and more she is going to have to work it off! and i bet her like most people (& myself) do NOT want more work to do. Print out the "no pig out" poster on this website and post it everywhere she would be tempted to go and look for food. tell her that she is not helping herself look any better the more and more she eats.. Enforce some rules: your the mom!! ex's: no eating before HEALTHY snack after food after dinner..c'mon u can do it!!! i have faith in you!! One more thing: Ask you daughter: "do you want to look like this for the rest of your life?" if she says i dont care,..just take a deep breath and say, "ok. well im gonna let you think about that and then come and tell me wen you have made up ur mind." if she says yes, "then you have to accept the fact, that that is the way that she wants to look and you can't do anything to stop her." But if she does say yes you can show her pictures of obese people today, and the risks they havve had to take b/c of being overweight. That may make her change her mind. If she says no , then ask her y does she pig out so much? y does she do it? and ask her does she pig out b/c she's hungry, or because she's board and has nothing else to do? neway...if she says no" then say, neither do i, and if you want to fit into smaller clothing sizes and look better then u need to stop pigging out like this and help yourself!" Then see what her reaction is! Hope this helped 2! talk to ya lata

Reply from u guesed it another teen!, Child's Age 13 - 11/13/03  - IP#:
i read your story! i am so very very and deeply sorry! have you tried taking EVERY PIECE OF JUNKFOOD OUT OF THE HOUSE!? try reinforcing some laws, you said that she MADE u get her that refridgerator? no, you gave in. My mother does the same thing to me, it's not showing or emphasizing that you don't love her or don't care,'s showing that you wnat your daughter to be healthier for the rest of her life...and now! Force your daughter to go outside for AT LEAST thirty minutes each day (OR 4-5 DAYS A WEEK, BUT IN HER CASE, TRY EVERY DAY AND C WHAT HAPPENS)!! If you don't already do so..y dont u show her how to pack her lunch for skool, without all of the junkfood. What are some sports that she likes to play? get her into some active sports!! ONly let her watch an hour of tv or less for each day. Don't let your daughter rot there all day long! For dinner, serve her with a salad, (non fat dressing) and SMALL portions of food that you r having. Tell her sisters not to overload her with food when she vists them...give her subway instead of mcdonalds...drink a water instead of a soda.....I know that this is way long but i hope that it has helped!!! I have entrys posted in the teen bulletein board if you want to keep in contact with me! Good luck! hope that this advice has helped you in any way possible!!!

Reply from misty, Child's Age 12 - 08/29/03  - IP#:
you cant let her have mc donalds so much like that no wondere shes fat! and i am glad your daughter didnt hear what those people said at mcdonalds.. i would be crushed!

Reply from Ray Ray, Child's Age 12 - 07/14/03  - IP#:
Do what Arianna said but just so you know she might be depressed or something which is why shes eating. She might be just as desperate as you are about her weight. You should try talking to her about but don't be mean about it. Good luck! ~Ray~Ray~

Reply from Arianna, Child's Age 14 - 07/13/03  - IP#:
You need to get your daughter's eatign habbits under conrtol and restrict her food intake and take charge because at the rate she is going she could die young from being overweight. You should have your daughter drink water instead of pop or juice because water helps disolve fat and also get rid of all the junk food in your house and start eating more fruit and vegtables. Also you should restrict youur daughter to 3 regular meals a day with fruit or vegtables as a snack in between and have her do 50 situps every day ,50 leg lifts on each side every day ,and have her go up and down the stairs every day 10 tiems ( 1 time up and down counts as 1) this will really help and before you know it your daughter will be thin. A big part of her problem is that you need to take charge and stick to it. Hope this helps.