From Bianca, Child's Age 15 - 09/25/05 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi. I'm writing about my middle daughter, Sarah. She is a competitive swimmer and could be quite good, except for the fact that she has weight issues and is in an event (sprinting) which requires a body that is very light. As a former swimmer myself I try to stress to her the importance that she lose atleast twenty pounds, but she just shrugs it off and calls me 'old school'. She is 5'11 and 180 pounds. Her coaches and I know that she could be state champion caliber if she would just take off the weight. This frustrates me so much...any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Reply from Miranda, Child's Age 12 - 12/29/06 - IP#: You can't force your Child to exersize or do anything they don't want to. You can limit time spent on the computer or watching TV. Try and find some cool music your kids like and ask them to do an aerobic workout with the music on. Try and eat healthy foods most of the time and don't eat fast food if you can avoid it. also try to talk to your child and make them aware that there are health risks associated with being over weight. Hope this helps!
Reply from melissa, Child's Age 16 - 10/12/05 - IP#: and if you want to talk me more about other things that i did to help me lose weight and excel in swimming, my email is i would like to help or at least give advice since we are in similar situations.
Reply from melissa, Child's Age 16 - 10/12/05 - IP#: i am a year round swimmer and i swim on my high school team. i am one of the fastest swimmers on the school team and i am about ready to move up to the next group at my swim club. i have been swimmming all my life and i have always been one of the best even though i was a lot bigger than all the other kids, being very tall for my age and overweight. last year when i got to high school i started to lose weight during the swimming season because i had stopped swimming for about 8 months. losing the weight helped me to drop at least 5 seconds in all of my events.
Reply from ?, Child's Age 12 - 10/02/05 - IP#: I understand you want your child to be succsessful and happy. Try a workout program at a gym or even at home, to make things fun, you do it with her so she won't be embarassed.
Reply from olivia, Child's Age 9 - 09/26/05 - IP#: A healthy weight for her heights would range between 117 and 174 so she's not really overweight. And remember, muscle weights more than fat.
Reply from Laura, Child's Age 8 - 09/26/05 - IP#: I cant't believe what you are writing! You should love your daughter no matter what. If she ist not "State champion" so what? You should not measure her by her success in sport (or her success in anything else for that matter)! I adore my daughter just because she is my precious child and not because of what she is doing!