From lexy, Child's Age 15 - 06/09/07 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
I have always been fat and currently weigh 24 stone 3 pounds. But when my daughters school got weighed she weighed more than me she weighed 29 stone 9. I was extremely concerned and went in to speak to her teacher.Her teacher told me she was worried too and that my child was the heaviest kid in the school and was extremely obese. Please give me advice and do you think she is fat overweight at risk of being over weight or obese. Please reply your thougts and advice (Note: 29 stone 9 is 415 lb.)
Reply from josie, Child's Age 9 - 06/04/11  - IP#:
I feel for your daughter, she is over weight but she is old enough to be put on a diet to help her. With my son i changed chocolate pudding to low fat chocolate mousse, and crisps to fruit salad or flavoured rice cakes. If you can get her to stick to the diet and try to motivate her to excercise even if its just 30 mins a day at 1st as obviously she will get tired at 1st. mayb you could invest in one of those computer dance matt games? they are really fun and she can excercise indoors away from people who could be mean. These games helped me lose some of my fat after having a child and are fun so she probaly wudnt feel like its boring like excercise can be. hope that helps and goodluck xx
Reply from tomicko, Child's Age 12 - 10/13/07  - IP#:
hi it sounds like she is morbidly obese (not to be rude) and if you dont get her in shape she can have heart problems and other serious things so change her diet i hope this helps

Reply from Erin, Child's Age 20 - 08/11/07  - IP#:
I don't want to sound harsh but 415 pounds, even if she is extremely tall, would be considered morbidly obese, especially for a girl so young. If not taken care of, she could be in for a host of problems in the future (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc). If she isn't overeating but keeps gaining weight, you should definitely go to a doctor and get her tested for any kind of abnormalities that could be causing it. If the problem isn't medical, a gradual change in her diet and an increase in activity would likely benefit not only her but you and the rest of your family (regardless of weight). Just take it slow, as gradual changes are more likely to stick, and focus on getting her and yourself healthy for the long run.

Reply from David, Child's Age 11 - 06/23/07  - IP#:
You definitely have reason for concern for for you daughter and for yourself. I have been concerned for my daughter as at the age of 11 she is 150 lbs. I don't believe that your daughter is that overweight at the age of 15 due to overeating. Quite often such a problem is hereditary and I think you would be wise to seek professional help. I do admire people however with weight problems who are willing to talk about them. I would suggest that you daughter do a school project if the opportunity presents itself to write an essay and do a class presentation on the matter. This will get her fellow students to be aware that she is acknowledging the problem and they will be less prone to make fun of her.

Reply from Jeremy, Child's Age 15 - 06/14/07  - IP#:
Well, 415 pounds is really considered obese, but you shouldn't really worry. Only be concerned if she has problems with it, cuz ya never know, some people actually like it.

Reply from joe, Child's Age 14 - 06/12/07  - IP#:
your daughter weighs 415 pounds and you want to know if she's overweight or obese? are you joking? she's obviously VERY obese.

Reply from Matthew, Child's Age 6 - 06/12/07  - IP#:
I think she is only at risk of being overweight but if she needs motivation or anything i would love to help email