From Charles, Child's Age 12 - 07/25/15 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
An update 3 months on.
We've made little progress with my son's weight. He has been on a calorie restricted diet at home and we've been taking him swimming on the weekend for exercise but he hasn't lost any weight. He has in fact gained some (13 lbs) . The doctor is baffled by what's happening as are we. He eats healthy, small portions. He exercises. Help.
Reply from Andrea - 08/01/15  - IP#:
Dear Charles, I just read your original post and this one. Im hopeful that if you are helping your son in all the ordinary ways -- only healthy foods in the house and family activities that are outside, and he is still not losing weight that you bring him to a doctor so he can have some testing done. There may well be a medical explanation that you would want to know soon enough. I can imagine how difficult it is to have to work late hours and still try and be the best parent you can be. DO not listen to the inane commenters who bring nothing to the table. Also, please, take a step back. There is a commenter asking unnecessarily personal questions and getting way to 'into' describing the physical aspects of your son's weight gain. This is a public bulletin board. It's very sad to think that his son would read the detailed description of his body posted publicly by his father online. He is a human being - not the sum total of how much skin he has or how it fits in a chair or in his pants! I cannot fathom the tortured existence of living with someone who sees a child only through those lens. It's heartbreaking.
Of course, that is not you. You seem genuinely vested in getting your son some help. Remember, his self esteem is critical. It is not worth sacrificing for anything. If he believes he is good, whole and worthy he will want to make good, whole and worthy choices. Berating our kids NEVER did them any good. It makes them resentful, and ultimately they are more likely to engage in self-harming behaviors (drugs, more over eating, alcohol or worse.) Try to take 30 minutes - regardless of how tired you are to just do some little activity together. Good luck to you and your family.