From Felix, Child's Age 16 - 04/02/20 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi Jesse, just read your last post. Has Lane seen the doctor since he was 150 pounds? If not a visit is in need once this coronavirus thing goes away it gets better. 243 pounds won’t “even out with height”. At 150, sure, at 243, most likely not. Lane would have to maintain his weight and be 6’3.5 to not be obese. Will he get that tall? Probably not.
I know you don’t want to push Lane into something similar as what your Mom did. You claim that you are concerned, which I’m sure you are, but what are you doing about it? Are you waiting for the “tide” to roll out? I’m going to tell you from experience, at this stage it’s not going to work.
You’re not going to detriment a child by encouraging him to eat less and move more. You will detriment a child’s physical and mental wellbeing by letting him to continue eat unhealthy amounts of food and get even more morbidly obese.
Jesse, my whole family is obese outside of me. I’ve encouraged them to eat less food and move more and it hasn’t worked. Start early with Lane and maybe he’ll develop some habits on the path to a healthier life. I don’t mean to come off as standoffish as I’m in the same situation as you. I’m just encouraging you to do something while you can, while Lane is still healthy and can’t go out and sneak food.