From Lukas, Child's Age 17 - 05/02/24 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
How is everyone doing?
Reply from Heather, Child's Age 12 - 05/20/24  - IP#:
How big is your child, Cathy?
Reply from Cathy, Child's Age 16 - 05/20/24  - IP#:
So awesome to see the similarities between our family and others here! Thank you all for sharing and opening up!
Reply from Eric, Child's Age 14 - 05/16/24  - IP#:
Nothing wrong with that! What do you usually eat and snack on?
Reply from Heather, Child's Age 12 - 05/15/24  - IP#:
Yes, exactly. We all love our snacks, haha.
Reply from Eric, Child's Age 14 - 05/16/24  - IP#:
Same, they were both born well above average (mom was/is very large as well) and just always been in the upper end. Always loved to eat, and like I wrote I have never had any restrictions on food and snacks.
Reply from Heather, Child's Age 12 - 05/15/24  - IP#:
Oh yes, very much so. Bigger than average when they were born (as was I) and have grown from there
Reply from Eric, Child's Age 14 - 05/16/24  - IP#:
Reading and computer are great activities! Have they always been on the bigger side too? My boys have since before school age.
Reply from Heather, Child's Age 12 - 05/15/24  - IP#:
They like reading and messing around online. And when the weather is good they like to sit outside in the back yard.
Reply from Eric, Child's Age 14 - 05/16/24  - IP#:
Yes, same here, they enjoy studying, reading, watching TV and of course, like many boys gaming, and cooking and baking! What do your girls do in their spare time?
Reply from Heather, Child's Age 12 - 05/15/24  - IP#:
Yes, they are sedentary themselves. More content to pursue academics rather than sport, tbh.
Reply from Eric, Child's Age 14 - 05/16/24  - IP#:
Absolutely! Do your girls do any type of physical activity at that size, or are they more sedentary? My boys are quite sedentary when it comes to physical activity, they never had any desire for sports. :)
Reply from Heather, Child's Age 12 - 05/15/24  - IP#:
Oh yes, it really is. Refreshing to see we all seem to share similar attitudes.
Reply from Eric, Child's Age 14 - 05/16/24  - IP#:
Interesting how similar we are. My boys also get well above average grades and are very good students, and we all enjoy good food and snacks a lot. They feel good and confident and I have never restricted any food or snacks for them.
Reply from Heather, Child's Age 12 - 05/15/24  - IP#:
Yes, quite. It's very remarkable. Care to exchange email?
Reply from Ailsa, Child's Age 8 - 05/16/24  - IP#:
Wow, Heather, you're right, there are a lot of similarities between our families. Although we have no known hormonal issues - we just love to eat, a lot! Our family life revolves around food.
Our girls are also very academically motivated, and learning well ahead of what their school years would be. I think it's an advantage of homeschooling to be able to learn at one's own pace, rather than being held back in a class situation.
Hannah and Sophie also know they are beautiful at their size, and are actually rather proud of how heavy they are getting.
Reply from Heather, Child's Age 12 - 05/15/24  - IP#:
Sounds like we have very similar families, Ailsa. I'm quite large myself and have a hormone condition. Even with treatment I gained easily. My girls definitely take after me. Emily is 365 and her younger sister Chloe is 308. We also choose to homeschool our girls. We're glad we did. Both of them are super smart and test well above grade level. They love learning and are also constantly reading too. How do your girls feel about their size? Ours are happy with their bodies and know that they are beautiful no matter their size.
Reply from Eric, Child's Age 14 - 05/14/24  - IP#:
Good to hear I am not the only one. Single parent here, but also definitely on the bigger side. The boys have also always been big. It has never been a problem for any of them, hope the same for your girls! The boys are happy and doing very well in school and their social life.
Reply from Ailsa, Child's Age 8 - 05/14/24  - IP#:
I'm very big too - the girls take after their mum, inheriting my appetite and sweet tooth! My husband is the 'slim' one of the family, but he's extremely supportive.
Reply from Eric, Child's Age 14 - 05/14/24  - IP#:
That is nice! My boys also love reading, cooking and baking a lot, and also like most boys, gaming and computers, tv, science, series and much more. The youngest is also in the boy scouts, they spend a lot of time with friends from school, and we often go to museums and other interesting places in the weekends. Is your entire family on the bigger side?
Reply from Ailsa, Child's Age 8 - 05/14/24  - IP#:
You're right we're not very physically active, although we do take short walks together. Sophie struggles a little bit more with waddling around than Hannah or I do, just being fatter for her height and carrying most of it on her belly so far.
They're both real bookworms and love reading. They listen to a lot of music and we sometimes watch films. They love to get involved in the kitchen, baking and cooking together - and of course eating the results! Also they enjoy working with me to make their dresses. We try to include varied activities, trips and visits into their schooling too.
Reply from Cathy, Child's Age 16 - 05/14/24  - IP#:
It’s awesome to see the responses. Especially from the females.
Reply from Eric, Child's Age 14 - 05/14/24  - IP#:
It is great that you have found something that works out well for you! What do they enjoy doing in their spare time? Their size has to be a challenge doing physical activities or walking far?
Reply from Ailsa, Child's Age 8 - 05/14/24  - IP#:
We have homeschooled right from the start, which works out really well for us, and it's wonderful to spend so much time together. The girls are very big, but managing well in general.
Reply from Eric, Child's Age 14 - 05/14/24  - IP#:
That is some pretty large sizes. How do they handle everyday life, school and such being that large?
Reply from Ailsa, Child's Age 8 - 05/14/24  - IP#:
Great to hear from you, Heather. Yes, it does seem to be mostly families with boys on here at the moment, so it is nice to meet another with girls.
Our eldest, Hannah, is a good 350 lbs now, and Sophie is 294 lbs already. She has always been a bit heavier than her sister was at the same age.
How about your two?
Reply from Heather, Child's Age 12 - 05/13/24  - IP#:
Oh, so nice to see another family with girls. No offense to the men here with fat boys, but it’s harder for those of us with girls to relate sometimes. I feel like it’s more acceptable for boys to be overweight. Our girls are 12 and 10 and also quite big. They are also happy with their weights and know that we love them the way they are too. How much do your girls weigh, Ailsa, if you don’t mind me asking?
Reply from Ailsa, Child's Age 8 - 05/13/24  - IP#:
I'm so glad there are some other parents here who are not hysterical about their kids' weight. Our two daughters, now 11 & 8, have always been very big and have steadily gained weight. But they are very happy girls and feel good about their size. The most important thing is that they know they are beautiful and loved just as they are.
Reply from Thomas, Child's Age 13 - 05/13/24  - IP#:
That's good to hear. Yes, he's still putting on weight. But he's happy and healthy. So I'm not going to interfere. Most of his friends are also constantly putting on weight. So he has a normal social life.
He weighs almost 300 lb now. And what's your situation?
Reply from Lukas, Child's Age 17 - 05/13/24  - IP#:
We are doing good to
How is your sons weight doing?
Still going up?
Reply from Thomas, Child's Age 13 - 05/04/24  - IP#:
We are doing great. And you? My son gets good grades at school and does lots of things with his friends. So everything is great