From Laura, Age 19 - 06/22/09 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 210 lb, Today: 208 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 160 lb - I just bought a diet book not that long ago, and so far it's been working pretty well for me. It's called "The Diet For Teenagers Only", but I think I need some moral support too. I've been overweight my whole life and the rest of my family has always been extremely fit and healthy, so I guess I've always been trying to lose weight, but I don't have a lot of will-power. If anyone has any advice or recipes, I'm completely open to it!! Today I've been doing pretty good so far and I'm going on a bike ride in a few. :)
Reply from sudhakar, Age 21 - 07/03/09  - IP#:
k whre you form
Reply from Wendy, Age 20 - 06/23/09  - IP#:
keep it up! remember- it's not how fast you get there, it's thzt you get there and are able to stay there. the people who succeed in weight loss are the people who actually stuck top their plan through thick and thin (pun intended, haha). you're going to have ups and downs, but just keep trekking forward!